Friday, May 13, 2016

City of God - Premonition by R. S. Ingermanson

This was a really surprising read for me. As a Rev. and Evangelist I am very careful with the fiction that I read and I found that this book was really very good. City of God is a page turner. I really enjoyed the characters; the plot was very thickening and there was a twist at every turn and something big was always happening in every chapter. I found myself waking up at night, I usually wake up during the night and instead of turning the TV on I would grab my Kindle and read this book. I truly give R. S. Ingermanson the credit he/she deserves. I will certainly search the other books in this series and read them hoping that they are just as good as this one was.

This book was certainly worth every penny I paid for it. I give this book 5 stars and 2 thumbs up!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How To Take Good Notes by Angelos Georgakis

After reading "How to learn 10X Faster" I needed a way to take notes better while staying focused during lectures when I came across this book..

I will go out on a limb here and say that I have up'd my College grade good enough to talk to my financial aid worker about scholarship financing next semester...

Awesome Book! One you can't put down!!! Loaded with all the information you need!...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Standing Accountable by Scott Schwab Review

Scott is not your ordinary author, but he is an accurate and insightful author. I really enjoyed this a book to a point that I am holding myself more accountable with the things that I need to do that I use to put off.

Scott, is an author that makes you take a look inside as well as outside and then makes you ask the question, are you proud of your progress?

Scott did not come from an easy life so his accountability really makes you take a step back and look at your own accountability. The little things that we have to do to stand accountable to make not just our lives but the lives around is even better isn't really that much to do.

If you're in a small business online and you're procrastinating to write that next blog post, figure out why you're not getting the traffic that you are not getting, trying to understand whether or not you're posts are actually awesome posts, etc. etc. etc. standing accountable for those things are small things that could skyrocket your business; it may not be in a day or two, but standing accountable is the 1st thing.

Scott really lays out accountability and responsibility in holding yourself accountable. The responsibility and I promise you if you read his book your life will change.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why Authors Fail By Derek Doepker

This book is a book that should be read by every author. The author has a way to get across ways that authors sabotage their own selves before they even right a single word. He also spends time on why authors spend countless hours and hundreds of dollars only to find out that their books just get lost in the sea of one of the "wannabe" books. The author spends time to show you how your own creativity can be your own worst failure. One of the most important things that an author can do to hurt themselves is to turn a potential reader off before they've even had a chance to read the book and Derek takes his time to really show you a simple psychological tactics that will help you to fix this issue. And above all he teaches you how to turn being an author into a thriving business.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

EvangelPreneur Review

Josh Tolley totally opens up his heart and soul while teaching biblical truth about money and finances. I couldn't ask for a better teacher than this book. I see things in a new light about money and how God wants us to use it.

Josh takes money one step further than just managing it, he teaches you that God wants you to have more than just a J. O. B..., Josh teaches you that God wants you to make a difference all the way around financially as a child of God. In this book you will learn how it's done...

I'm not going to try to explain very much more; you just cannot abide book and find out for yourself.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tony Robson has written a very inspiring book. If you're looking for the boost to get you going then this is the book you need. The words he is written here are very true. I know this for a fact because I have built my business with no money and only the push of my wife telling me I can do it.

Right now I have four books written with more on the way, four blogs and a ministry are built for the glory of God. It was information that is written in this book "Power of Broke" that has gotten me to where I am today and will get me to where I want to be tomorrow and the week after in the year after...

Friday, April 8, 2016

The ONLY 4 Exercises You Need To Have A STRONG, LEAN, And ATHLETIC Body

I got this book hoping to eliminate the gym, but this book goes further than bodyweight exercises. If you are an athlete of any type this would be a great book for you. The reason being is that this book focuses on all the muscles that athletes in the to dominate their field.

The front of the book says that it is guaranteed to quickly build muscle and destroy fat and after reading this book I will say that if you put your effort into these exercises and eating habits I believe this to be true.

It is up to you to get out of this book what you want to get out of this book!